Gams is Carla gran style scruff feet
Oh hey Lewis, I heard you have the most gammy gams
A person who ho simps over a very hot sounding YouTuber named ChipFlake
1. An hightech organization from outer-space capable of building human bodies and multi form transfer.. Theory has it they snuck on earth in the early 1900s to determine if life was intelligent or maybe it was safer on earth. Their form is inch flexible or invisible until they in a flash of light appear...
Gam has a belief that we the people of Gam believe no one from Gam better be unwelcomely bothering me..
GAM is a shortened version of the phrase Grown Ass Man.
GAMS is a shortened version of Grown Ass men.
Bradley,Brian,Gary are some GAMs
I'm a GAM.
a word to spam (send large amounts of the same thing whether it be inputs or messages) when you want to play a game with your friends and you seriously mean it.
Person 1: gam gam gam gam gam.
Person 2: okay fine I'll play with you.
A relationship between two transgender bisexual consisting of a white boy and a girl
A little white boy is inlove with a girl! Gam!!!!
Gam, anyone who has,Dino hands, runs weird, is called Matthew,gets flipped into tables or who sticks fireworks up their arse and lights them. *BANG*
Plural of gam: Gammy
Mattew is such a gammy he put a cheeseburger, 2 nuggets up his big bunda.