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Gemma Evangeline

One of the best girls a man can meet. She's a bit shy and awkward but that's the charm of her. She's also beautiful, and could be considered a stunner. She knows how to bring anyones mood up, and can stand up for herself. She is not without flaws though, like everyone, but the things that make her great far out-weigh the very few cons there are. If you are lucky enough to be in a relationship with one, you are very lucky. She is a great listener and remembers every word you say, and can also tell you facts about you you may not even know. She is generally a very open person, but some facts are kept for the very important people in her life. All in all, if you are ever lucky enough to find yourself with a Gemma, don't ever let go of it.
Evangeline is a outgoing girl who always puts her friends first. She has interest in most things, from Xbox, makeup and drawring,she likes it all! She is a very emotional person but doesn't show it to anyone. She is very shy when you first meet her, but once you gain her trust she will break out and become a funny, amazing person. Evangeline is a must need in any friend group, she will always try her best to cheer you up. Evangeline can sometimes be short-tempered but her friends can always make her smiley again. Always make friends with an Evangeline. Evangeline normally shortens to Evie.

Gemma Evangeline ? Oh you are so lucky to have that girl in your life

by November 25, 2021

luke and gemma

An amazing couple who will last a lifetime together. They may not find each other at the greatest of places throughout life but they pass and love each other. They believe if you don't fight for the relationship its not worth it. A lot of fighting breaking up, kissing and making up involved. But in the end they are still the greatest couple known to man.

Girl: I wish I was in a couple like (Luke and Gemma)

by sup.biatch June 14, 2017

gemma zampini

A person you can't trust.
An ugly teen girl that tries to be pretty even though she's ugly

Hi Gemma Zampini you ugly

by Stephen Heussah May 31, 2020

Gemma Pell

Means "I love you" in french ๐Ÿ˜ป

you: you are so cool and goofer

me: Gemma Pell ! ๐Ÿ‘จ ๐Ÿณ

by pemma jell July 13, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gemma Collins

a whole MOOD, absolute queen. most relatable person ever to exist

Gemma collins.. the fucking hair is frazzled

by Gemma Collins May 8, 2020

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gemma lester

a ugly woman/girl with a rather large nose and a face like a smacked arse

ERRRRR look its gemma

by yo homie May 10, 2005

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Gemma Collins

Z-list celebrity with an overdeveloped sense of her own importance, looks, intelligence and abilities. A repulsive hamplanet who is a complete waste of space.

Q How would you describe Gemma Collins?
A Face of a camel, body of a hippo, brains of a gnat.

by AKACroatalin September 29, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž