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Eat the Goldfish

Go down on a girl, and eat out her insides

Suck a girl's vagina

Stefan: "how was your night last night, with that chick?"

Damon: "awesome, I got to Eat the Goldfish!"

by lovelychick87 April 8, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

goldfish love

a short lived but explicit sexual relationship, generally whilst drunk, that you will have only scant recollection of in the morning - this will generally come back and bite you at a later date.

Why does that chick look like she wants to hurt me?

by Moth Boy June 21, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

goldfish syndrome

very bad short term memory, 10 second memory, like a goldfish

example one:
person 1: arent you grounded?
person 2: i was but my mom forgot. she has goldfish syndrome

example two:
person 1: i told you never to say that again!
person 2: sorry i forgot
person 1: bullshit you dont have goldfish syndrome!

by blmnkychck April 16, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Goldfish kiss

Soft kiss, lip to lip with no tounge and both at the same time pop your lips baby

The other day I had my first goldfish kiss... it was popping

by IM JAMES READ November 1, 2020

Goldfish with Raisins

this snack is BUSS, if you disagree, you are wrong, (hazel).

"foofoomanua is eating goldfish with raisins"

by FooFooManua October 30, 2022

Brazilian Goldfish

When a Brazilian man ejaculates into his cupped hand and proceeds to throw it into his girlfriends face.

Oh boy! I can't wait for Josh to feed me some Brazilian Goldfish.

by Golden Corral Man January 20, 2014

Golden Goldfish

The bloke does his fine lady doggy style over the toilet with her head hovering precariously over the bowl. He shouts "I'm gona blowww" as he pushes her head down into the bowl and she gulps as much water as possible, saving some in her mouth. After he's blown he lays down and creates a fishbowl with his mouth so his lady friend can fill his mouth with toilet water from her mouth and then squats his little golden goldfish from her hole into his mouth. Golden Goldfish.

I was so maggot lastnight I did the Golden Goldfish with my girlfriend's mum, safe to say she'll be coming back for more

by Shazzaaa September 1, 2020