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cow milk greeting

It’s a greeting in elementary school when you moo to your friends and then the teacher shouts milking time and then you milk the shit out of your bunk buddy.

Yo bro we were doing the cow milk greeting and I got milked the shit out of!

by BigSloppyMcGayBoi February 15, 2018

sneezin’s greetings

What you say in response to someone who sneezes around Christmas time. A wordplay on the expression “Season’s greetings.”


Well, sneezin’s greetings to you too!”

by Dcstrutter December 19, 2023

rail greet

Graffiti underneath railroad bridges.

I left you my rail greet under the railroad bridge.

by nemiR2 January 27, 2011

no no greet

way to say "ha1l" w/o offending anybody.

all no no greet the USSR!

by linuxmatty February 7, 2022

Drive by greeting

An annoying form of greeting that is pointless and does not invite more conversation. Typically done when someone is crossing another person's path.

"hey how you doing"
The only response that you can give in the time given to respond to a drive by greeting

by LadyLilith December 19, 2024

American Greeting

When there is another shooting in the US.

Did you hear about the latest US school shooting?
Ah yes the old American Greeting!

by Bewmdogg May 8, 2021

Kings Greeting

After successfully getting lucky the night before you are met with a kiss on both cheeks by your friends as a sign of greatness.

“How did you go last night?”-Guy 1
Yeah mate I pulled an absolute babe” - King

“All hail the king”-Guy 1
Kings greeting given XX

by Revellers101 December 6, 2020