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band groupie

A kid that is not part of a high school band but goes to the pratices, competitions, and other events and is often more popular than half of the band. He or she is well known throughout the band and by the director and is often liked.

random band kid - "why is that kid at our competition? Who is he?"

Other more involved band kid - "oh thats a band groupie he always comes with us"

by kifgotback May 19, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person (usually of the female sex) who follows another person or group of people (of the opposite sex) all the time and performs sexual acts for them in order to be friends.

Damn, that girl gave me and all my soccer teammates head, she's a Groupie-Hoe.

by Blazin Bean January 3, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

honorary groupie

A girl who fucks three or two guys from the same faternity.

"Bro is that a thot or a ratchet?"

"Naw bro that and Honorary Groupie."

by Realist Nigga 99 December 5, 2014

Cancer Groupies

People who get off on another person's disease and/or death. Someone who wasn't around before the said "problem".

For example, Nicole and Emily commented on Tiffany's facebook wall telling her how she is such a strong person for going through this battle with cancer but where were they all the years before? They are nothing but cancer groupies.

by anticancergroupies November 3, 2010


A "hipster-groupie" is a sole individual that lives, eats, and breathes the "hipster" style of life. Extensive research has shown that it is usually an employer/employee relationship, with said employer typically failing to understand meaning of "work-place boundaries." "Hipster groupies" can also be identified as the more casual, street-slang term "Buddy Holly fanatics." Between the two titles, it comes down to whichever you'd prefer to include in your colloquial.

hipster-groupie hipster groupie love

by B.H. Jr. March 4, 2009

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local groupie

A groupie who sleeps with the local bands, no famous bands.

She's just the local groupie

by manicpanicd January 2, 2008

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5sos groupie

A girl, who is often a white gold-digger seeking attention and money by fucking members of 5sos.

"Hey do you know Arzaylea?"
"Yes she's such a 5sos groupie with Luke. He deserves way better."

by 5sosFamZoneGirl November 19, 2016

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