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Braces Hickey

When your boyfriend or girlfriend has braces and gives you a hickey leaves HUGE marks from his/her braces.

Tucker gave me a HUGE braces hickey. To make it worse I had to go see my bestfriends family they next day.

by Julia with a braces hickey April 20, 2009

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cock hickey

the bi-product of an amazing cock sucking session.

Gregory was so pleased to wake up and see a giant cock hickey on his sausage.

by chugger March 20, 2005

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Ass Hickey

When someone consistently and intensely kisses ass and latches on for so long that it leaves a hickey.

Did you see that brown-nosing Jimmy? He kissed Joes ass so much that he left an ass hickey!

by BTedstrom August 30, 2006

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Dog Hickey

Lame excuse for a loce bite.

Dog Hickey Definition

When one uses a lame excuse of a dog biting or nibbling their neck. To cover up that they have been up to no good and allowing someone to suck their neck. Other lame excuses are "I fell over whist hovering and the suction nossel attached to my neck, leaving this dark coloured mark on my neck"

by Mr Edu July 14, 2010

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fist hickey

A bruise - most often from punching - someone you "love"

"Got in a fight with my sweetie, now I've got to hide all these fist hickeys. But I know s/he loves me!"

by sld January 2, 2006

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Beard Hickey

Noun - The result of a making out with a bearded person. A beard hickey is a red, dry, scratched up chin or jaw/jaw-line that is caused by the rubbing up of a bearded face with the rubbing up of a non-bearded face. For treatment, apply moisturizer to the affected area 6-10 times a day for 4-10 weeks, or as needed.

After the movie make-out, a beard hickey claimed the chin of my smooth skinned lady friend.

by Joe Alterman January 5, 2009

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garmin hickey

Small circular impressions on the inside of automobile windshields, left by the suction cup mounting device of a portable Global Positioning System unit.

"The inside of the rental car's windshield looked as if it had been attacked by a large amorous octopus. It was a mass of spittle-flecked Garmin Hickeys: remains of numerous renter's GPS units on the unwashed glass."

by gt1jimi July 16, 2009