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High School

A prison for teenagers who didn't do anything wrong, where we take even worse bullshit from the system than actual convicts. You spend your time trying to stay awake in class, trying to impress people you despise deep down, trying to make time for homework and sports, and chasing that hot girl you've wanted to fuck since 8th grade. Most people get the first 3 okay, but the fourth one is where it starts to fall apart. First, you'll try the "nice guy" approach, and when that gets rejected, you'll try the "popular prep" approach, and when she ignores you again, you'll go for that "asshole jock" approach. If you manage to sink this low, then maybe her shallow, bitchy mind will finally notice you. Even if you do have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, everything you do spreads around like wildfire, and if you manage to say 1 thing wrong, you lose your girlfriend, and most likely, all the friends you ditched to make your shallow relationship work. Then, there are your "friends". Everyone acts nice to your face, but the second you turn your back, they start talking shit about you. And you only know this because that's exactly what you do to them. To put it short, everyone in high school is an insecure, shallow kiss-ass conformist. Yes, even the goths and emos are conformists. If they weren't, they wouldn't be stereotypes. High school fucks you up like nothing else can.

On the first day of high school

My mom: Hey, high school's gonna be great.

Freshman me: Cool, I'll try to enjoy it

After I come back

mom: How was your first day of high school?

me: I hate everyone.

by Ihateeveryone55 August 23, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

In the UK, people attend high school from the ages 11-16, then move on to college if they pass their GCSE'S (leaving exams). Pretty much the same as US high school, but slightly better I reckon.

I've never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I think the representation of High School being a porthole to hell is pretty accurate.

by Nezzy June 21, 2004

97๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

make friends with maryjane and alcohol and it will just be a blur

i dont remember highschool it was just a blur, i was way to fucked up to remember

by smokey July 26, 2003

707๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

No, they were not all created around 1960. mine was created in 1906. and no, you are not required to attend high school until you are 18. You may drop out when you are 16.
but good definitions.
i aplaud your efforts

High School. mmm tasty.

by Arielle December 22, 2005

202๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

High school

No Recess!

... ... ...

"You're in highschool again"

by Zack August 3, 2004

174๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

a place where everyone is broken up into separate tribes/cliques/crews/posses/etc. usually a clique would have this kind of layout: leader->advisor->members->new recruits->weakest links

the leader: the head honcho in the pack. he/she holds the power in the group. everyone wants to be his/her friend. forget him, he doesn't need you.

the leader's advisor: the best friend of the leader, keeps the leader posted on every happening inside and outside the clan. usually the guy to talk to if you need a favor from the leader

members: the "everyone else" in the clan. some are blindly loyal to their clan leader while others claim they're not followers, but in reality they're lost without the clan. they're usually at the beck and call of the leader

new recruits: the newest initiates within the tribe. they're like the little brothers/little sisters within the tribe. because they're new, they're usually exempt from most of the tribe's happenings. after a month or so, they're elevated to "member" status and thus lose some of the privileges they had as the new guys.

weakest links: the lowest part of the clan, they don't have a say in the tribe and are most often the pack mules/errand boys. they're desperate for someone who'll listen to them, so if you wanna become a member of a clique, talk to one of these guys and then work your way up.

If you wanna be popular in high school, then here's what you do:

-Find the weakest link
-Befriend him/her
-Start sitting with him/her at the popular clique's table at lunch (You made it to *new recruit*
-Gradually they will stop being bothered by your presence at the lunch table and will consider you as one of their own. (Congratulations, you made it to *member* status)

by teh5abiking December 30, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

place where your a nobody if you don't wear designer clothes, our exceptionally gorgeous, amazing at a popular sport, Have tons of money and or just a complete bad ass. Ugly girls constantly act like there beautiful and that their obnoxious opinions matter. All the cool kids want to do is smoke and get fucked uo on the weekends in the mornings everyone huddles together in to little circle at the end of the hallways where everyone talks about alcohol and how high they got over the weekend and how cool there clothes are. We try to act as if were not conforming by being skaters or goths but really were just as bad as the conforming preps. Everyone is a constant war with everyone. creating a pathetic subculture completely pointless and depressing. the only people who enjoy high school are those on the very top of the social pyramid for everyone else high school sucks.

high school

Prep: Dude i pounded like 20 four lokos friday night and then i hooked up with some chick, chyeahh prettty successful weekend.

Ugly girl: "OMG hes so ugly, shes such a slut, look at my northface jacket aren't i so hot!!! Nobody even likes you!"

normal kid: Your not even good looking i can't even take you seriously

dumb girl: "I love my boyfriend of 2 days more than anything in the world we will be in love for eternity."

normal kid: how long untill graduation i fucking hate this

by mirage28 December 20, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž