When you, the host of a party are completely ignored by the guests due to other party goers taking all of the attention. Yet you feel a sense of confidence knowing the entire party relies on your efforts to continue.
I spent the entire party deep hinging, doing the dishes and serving the food while everyone else got to enjoy themselves.
A dating app for married or separated-but-still-technically-married women to cheat on their husbands, but say that they are "not ready" to date someone once they get that "D".
I met her on Hinge. It'll be fun for a little bit.
A slut. A women who open and shuts her legs like a door on its hinges.
Originally used at millfield school to describe those of an isosceles build
Edward- “yo this girl mugged me off after we did shit”
Noah- “say nuttin is just another hinge”
it can also mean joking when an extremely pretty girl who loves fur matches with Akhil
is hinge hinge ?
Hello Liav, I know your watching! Now tell Jack he’s the bat
Hello Liav! Look at that door Hinge
In a closed polyamorous relationship where two people are NOT involved with eachother but are both involved with a third person, this third person is known as the hinge.
This comes from the visual of a hinge, with two things connected to it but not to eachother and still functioning as a whole.
This could be considered the opposite of a unicorn.
In Alex, Jaden, and Morgan's throuple, Alex is the hinge.
My crush turned out to be gay but he says he would totally share a hinge with me and I'm DOWN! Time to find us a man.