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Rhino Huff

A females vagina which is bigger then a camel's toe yet smaller then an elephants foot.

Damn Mike !!!, you see megan's rhino huff last night. Thing was walking all over the place.

by I Sell You Pager bro !! September 17, 2011

chase huff

Super Hot Man

β€œIs he hot”
Must be a chase huff

by BigShekDaddy December 4, 2020


a big nosed fag that thinks hes a badass and hits on fat chicks hes really just fag

lick is a huff

by 69lover96 August 12, 2008

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huff puff

Noun: Word to describe a person in a bad mood. Variations on this include 'Huff Puff the Magic Dragon' and 'Huff Puff Daddy'

Adjective: Word to describe a bad mood. This can be a general mood or a mood caused by someone's actions which becomes a form of passive aggression.

"She's such a huff puff (the magic dragon)"
"Someone's in a huff puff today!"
"She's gone in a huff puff with us again"

by Rachiolanthe July 4, 2008

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hailey huff

The most beautiful, smart, independent woman EVER with a great body due to the fact she has an amazing trainer. Although she thinks she's right about everything her really good friend whose black let's her know she's not always right;) let's not forgot she has a lesbian crush on her best friend and has the cutest dog known to man. If you know this type of Hailey you are one lucky person and better keep this special one in your life!!!

Beautiful, lovable, amazing, big booty Judy, athlete , Hailey huff

by Jayyyyzzizile February 1, 2014

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huff muffer

someone who enjoys "eating out"

he likes to eat out...he's a huff muffer

by missy19994 March 13, 2011

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Huff Ass

A Huff Ass nigga proceeds in the definition of a low life nigga who intends to be BASIC at completely all that is asked of him/her or intends to say the most huffest comments than asked for Hands for an aggressive slap on the paw area

Nigga was fuckin this girl last night and had the huffest most huff Stroke! Huff Ass!

by Urban Diction June 7, 2015

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