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Slow Motion

Not simply a dilation of time, but an actual state of being only achievable through excessive consumption of alcohol and marijuana. In this state, one is not simply experiencing slow motion: they have become the slow motion.

Doug: "Dude, I was so slow motion last night."
Matt: "Yeah, you seemed really out of it."
Doug: "No dude, you don't get it. I wasn't just IN slow motion. I WAS the slow motion. I BECAME the motion."

by LogJammer August 30, 2014

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slow motion

The event in which everything is slowed down. Everything looks better in slow motion...for example, when you're doing your laundry or walking through a club.

Of course, not everything looks good in slow motion...for instance, here's a tape of me taking a shit...

(flies off toilet)

by Ihdfu sdutgf August 16, 2006

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ocean motion

When your having sex and your making your bodies motion like the ocean (basically humping)

Her: your humping me like the ocean motion

by Nibba boi August 24, 2017

Motion Recordings

In a land of make believe, eventually sprouts the fantastic creature which grows to devour the very source of the illusion which bore it. Motion Recordings is that undefined, untamed, and unshackled beast.

"Mom, why can't I listen to Motion Recordings music?"
"Because honey, it challenges my every sense of being."

by Johnny Appleseed January 27, 2005

motion for dismissile

A court document in which the plaintiff requests that the judge order the passage of a strategic arms limitation treaty which dictates that the defendant must destroy or get rid of one or more warhead-tipped rockets in his possession.

Many courts would be reluctant to rule on a motion for dismissile because (A) they know that said ruling wouldn't likely amount to a hill of beans to the other party, anyway, since said ordnance-possessors obviously are non-peaceable folk who do not think reasonably/rationally nor care about laws or agreements, seeing as how they have not voluntarily dismantled their ICBM stockpile already, and (B) they would be concerned that said hostile party would likely launch one or more of said high-speed rockets at the courthouse in hot-headed retaliation for any ruling against them.

by QuacksO December 20, 2019

The motion of damage

The side effect of watching 10 hours of emotional damage.
When you watch 30 minutes of emotional damage, the side effect of The motion of damage will appear.

I watched 10 hours of emotional damage. 5 hours later I heard The motion of damage and I will never unhear it

by that one old code August 15, 2022

Invoke Motion

An internet slang word for the term "home of the internet failures". In other words, extreme fail.

"Dude, lets go punch ourselves in the face while having our testicles slowly ripped off"
"Nah, lets just go to Invoke Motion."

by MrAwesomeFace August 19, 2007

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