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One who is seldom seen without an Apple Ipod in his/her possesion.

Here comes the 'ipoder' listening to his 10,000 portable cd collection

by dericmacaoidh March 23, 2005

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pretty much a piece of shit. I had an iPod once, 12 months and the battery life decreased, and the sound quality is shit, and it had a crack on it. The only reason people buy it is because it is stylish, has ads, and is from the only company that people less than 5 brain cells know of.

idiot: hey i just got a ipod!
Non dumbass: why don't you do yourself a favor and put your ipod in the blender and go buy a creative zen or an iriver

by omg42 February 26, 2008

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ipods are devices used to listen to music. they are small, lightweight, easy to use, and very convenient. but, like all things, it has drawbacks. indeed, they are pricey, they do get scratched easily, and don't live up to the advertised battery life. But if you love music like i do and have an extremely large CD collection, they are the one of the most convenient electronic devices ever. The 30gb model(i own one) even plays music videos and movies. You can buy an fm adapter so you can listen wherever you drive, too. You can schedule events and set alarms to remind you of things. You can watch Sin City or that really hot Shakira video, all with one small gadget. The main drawback, however, is that they are now the "flavor of the week", so people who are NOT seeking to be cool/trendy, are mistakenly put in that group when they are seen with white earbuds.

I mean, come on... when you think about it, ipods kick ass.

by Michael in LA January 23, 2006

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What is an iPod? It's a little piece of metal that you plug headphones into and listen to music. I remember when I was seven and we had a device that achieved the same goal - a Discman. You can buy them nowadays for ... ohhh ... somewhere around the proximity of zero dollars. Discmans worked fine back in the day. Now that there is better technology, all of a sudden Discmans are worthless. But why? Discmans never got worse, technology got better. Worthless technology. The concept is to listen to music with no strings attached. Discmans accomplish this just fine.

The iPod is capable of holding 10,000 songs. Who the fucking hell needs that much? Of the 80 million+ iPod owners in the world, how many have maxed out the space? Only about 14. Merely fourteen people have successfully filled their iPod. And strangely enough, all of these kids were in the same room at the same time. It was at the annual GROTEFP (Geekiest Rejects on the Entire Fucking Planet) convention.

So you like iPods because they're smaller than CD players? That's reasonable, but how much is it worth to you to shave off a few precious inches? The iPod ends up being ten square inches smaller than the average portable CD player. That means a total of about three inches squared.

It's only three inches. That's tiny, and for three hundred dollars? Penis enlargment pills offer you an extra three inches, and they're only $40-$50. Now honestly, would you rather have three inches less of audio player or a Discman and huge dick? Size wouldn't even matter then because you could just hang the player from your enormous cock.

Now that the size issue is settled, perhaps a Discman isn't the answer because you require more than 3 seconds of anti-skip. Oh, wait! Discmans nowadays don't skip! Ever. That can't be what makes up for the drastic difference in money.

The iPod can hold 10,000 songs. The Discman uses CDs which hold usually up to 20 songs. Perhaps you don't want to carry 100 CDs everywhere you go. Oh, wait! Discmans play mp3s now! That's like 100 songs per CD! And unlike an iPod that maxes out at 10,000, Discmans have a removable source. So if we have 100 songs per CD and potentially infinite CDs, that's ... umm ... 100 infinity songs?

iPods have rechargable batteries, but so does Ace Hardware store. A bunch of new technology and impressive statistics really don't mean much. When it comes down to it, an iPod isn't that great. So why could it possibly cost so much more money than Discmans, mini disk players, and cheaper mp3 players?

By buying an iPod, you're buying into a trend. You are paying hundreds of dollars to be a part of the new big thing and attempting to buy approval. This means one of two things:

1) you don't already have a big thing,

or 2) you're stuck at the pre-adolescent stage of thinking having what someone want makes them your friend. Get a clue and get something else with your parent's Christmas fund.

by GaMeRuInEr December 20, 2006

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An mp3 player that poor/wannabe unique/jealous fuckwits seem to take pride in insulting over the internet.

For my 14th birthday I got an iPod nano. And I love it. Know why? Because it's a damn sleek design, it plays enough music and yes - IT DIDN'T COST TOO MUCH.

2gb. 500 songs. I don't need more, thats more than enough. For me anyway. So for you jackasses who can't live without your 60gb ones - I don't care.

The pad wheel is easy to use, and I wanted something I could see the songs i want to select. Hence the easy to find songs, menus, etc.

The Creative, and iRiver were MORE expensive than my iPod, for nearly the same capacity.
I don't want my ENTIRE computer of songs. I want my favourites I can listen to when I want.

I've had mine ages now, and I mean AGES.
it's not broke. I can still put songs on and off it. I've never got mugged.

Like anything in life it has defects:

Often, you can't hold 500 songs.
It scratches pretty easily


iPod user: .____.;;

See how judgemental I can be to iPod dissers?
Yeah. Relook your posts bitches.

by Emily Jayne August 28, 2006

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A portable hard disk with the capabilities for playing music files, and viewing photo's(except for the shuffle). It can play music, save photo's, get scrathed up in a day, cause more errors on your computer than a goddamn nuclear holocaust, have a dead battery in 2 hours(rather than the advertised 15!), make you bankrupt all whilst Apple is making an assload of cash. The ONLY reason they are popular is because of the advertisements appealing to blacks, posers, "punk" rock lovers, and rich people. Nowadays, thoses people make up about 96% of society. Seriously (and not to sound like a smartass), if you know anything about the workings of technology, you will know that an iPod is worth well less than half of what it is sold for. Apple makes too much profit off of them.

ipod user-man i love my 400$ 60gb ipod.
creative user-Damn! did they suck your dick first?
ipod user-No,why.
creative user-cuz thats twice what i got my Creative zen for, and my battery last 4 times as long. Plus mine won't break like yours just did by attempting to put a .wma file on it.
iPod user-Oh well. chicks think i'm rich when i have my white and grey headphones on.

by crazyondirt14 October 4, 2005

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An mp3 player developed by Apple. It is usually on a one-for-the-price-of-two sale. Additionally, a popular sales tactic associated with it is the "xgb" hard drive size, where x is a number usually above 20. The fine print usually reads "it is actually impossible to have 20gb worth of songs, stupid. thanks for the extra cash, retard."

It is a prime example of planned obsolescence--not only is the battery irreplaceable, but the ipod often breaks down by simply using it.

Problem: ipod is frozen.
Answer: Did you try using it? This is often the problem.

Problem: I don't have $40,000 to spend on songs
Answer: We know.

Problem: The shininess is gone. It looks like I scrubbed it with an iron sponge.
Answer: Buy a new one, asswipe. If you bought it a month ago, chances are we came out with a better version.

dude1: Dude, i just bought a brand new ipod!
dude2: Didn't you hear? The new model came out just now.

dude1: My ipod holds 20gb!
dude2: Dude you can put your 1,000 cd's on it!
dude1: I already did, and I still have 90% of the space free!

dude1: my ipod broke, dude.
dude2: what happened?
dude1: I tried listening to a song.

by William Microsoft Gates February 16, 2008

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