Isabella is the most big hearted person you will ever meet. Their is no doubt that is very talented. She can sing like an angle and will pick you up if you are down. She is caring, kind, thoughtful,amazing, truthful, beautiful, nice. But watch out because she can be a fierce fighter that will stand her ground. She never gives up, is an amazing athlete (specifically in soccer), and if you meet her, you will automatically notice how smart and wise she is. She not only knows what to say but when to say it. Though nothing I can say will truly compare who she really is. Nothing can, she is a something that even the best of words can't explain. If you are lucky enough to get to know her, you will want to stay friends with her forever, like I do. She is amazing.
"I don't know what would happen if Isabella was not in my life."
7👍 2👎
isabella is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. isabella is almost always do not want to get on her bad side cuz if you are in a fight and you go toooo far then she will flip out and give you the finger but that is only when you make her really really mad. when you are good with her she will do anything to make you happy. she is the hotty in the school and she is a boy if you are friends with her or dating her and you broke up you NEED to get back together with her there is a 100% chance she miss's you even if she broke up with you.
isabella : we are over
boyfriend: nooooo i love you
two weeks later
ex boyfriend: isabella will you be my girl
isabella: yes yes yes i missed you so much
The most funniest, amazing, sweetest and kindest person you will ever meet. It’s so funny when she acts like an f-boy on TikTok. She may be dirty minded but I love her no matter what. She always has something weird to say or do and she is just amazing in general and my favorite person to be around!
Isabella is so weird and everyone loves her!!
Isabella is a sweet loving gorgeous caring female she will always be there with u through thick and thin and won’t leave ur side she’s one of a kind don’t take advantage of her or play with her feelings for all she will do is show u love and make u smile she is funny and has a playful side to so never lose her.
Isabella is a good person peridot.
Isabella is the most loving and caring girl in the world she has the prettiest smile in the whole world she has lots of friends some names David , Hennery, Ralph and probably Justin she has an amazing personality and she loves to think about things that she can never understand she is kind of a confusing girl but her craziness and confusion will make you love her a lot more than you already do she has the most softest and beautiful short hair she will always put you before herself but be careful with her she has been hurt and abused and let down so mischievous she had alot of trust issues she is always on her phone mainly on TikTok she is the best person you will ever meet and you love her. Isabella❤️
Isabella is very beautiful ❤️
she’s super hot and a dude magnet she basically can pull anyone also she has a fatty asf
isabella is hot asf i’m in love
Isabella is an amazing woman who is honest and says how she feels. She is caring and empathetic and is always there for you. She is beautiful and makes everyone jealous. Her bf is the luckiest person ever and she makes the perfect partner. Her love is forever and she gives it wisely. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with Isabella <3
Wow that girl is so nice, she must be an Isabella :)