An indication that the almighty lord and savior god alan has joined the lobby
godalan04 has joined the lobby
Person one: our lord and savior has come among us
An indication that the god has joined the lobby
godalan04 has joined the lobby
Person one: OMG the god has joined our game
how did your game change for, I’m going to say the better, when you joined the Mafia with Matt and I? Oh Naur!!! Im turning into Bowie Jane.
"I joined the meeting early, but seeing no one else, I left. Unfortunately, this triggered a notification that the meeting had started, leading someone else to join. However, upon joining, they leave because no one is in the meeting! But their joining triggers a notification causing the cycle to repeat for others in a continuous cascade "
aka Empty Room Echo or Notification Cascade
the meeting ended early. I joined late causing a Join-Leave Limbo.
Four: uhhh, I can't take it anymore!
X: What?
Four: I am joining the 'kanes!
“What are your plans tonight?” “I’m joining your hits!”