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resting kms face

It's like resting bitch face except you just look like you're about to off yourself

Friend 1: hey are you okay? You look really sad.

Friend 2: oh yeah! I just have resting kms face.

by Schuii September 5, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

kms potato style

Hanging yourself by a ceiling fan and play "a potato flew around my room before you came in" blasting for 40 hours.

Person 1: * stressing* I swear im gonna kms potato style :)

by wannadiebutimtoocool4that July 7, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

i wanna kms atm

I want to kill myself at the moment. When someones feeling so bad they wanna kill themselves.

My friend killed himself... and now i wanna kms atm

by cumdumpsterslut July 7, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


When u are so bored and is also a gamer so u type every variation wasd

i am very bored so im gonna type wasdesdfrdfgtfghyghjuhjkijklokl;pl;'szxcdxcvfcvbgvbnhbnmjnm,km,.l,./

by wasd guy January 12, 2021

27๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck this shit im kms-ing

This sentence originates from M3RKMUS1C's channel and is used as another way of saying fuck this shit im out and then usually commit suicide in the game.

"Oh look double disaster, Fuck this shit im kms-ing"

"Oh look double disaster, Fuck this shit im kms-ing"

by A very sticky keyboard February 14, 2017


it is when you are bored and dumb enough to type every variant of wasd you can think of

I'm bored so I will type wasdesdfrdfgtfghyghjuhjkijklokl;pl;'szxcdxcvfcvbgvbnhbnmjnm,km,.l,./ in my search bar.

by the-the=the December 7, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

KMS Tirpitz

Tirpitz was the second Bismarck-class battleship built for Nazi Germany's navy during the Second World War. Named after Grand Admiral Tirpitz, the architect of the Imperial Navy Like her sister ship Bismarck Tirpitz was armed with a main battery of eight 15 in guns in four twin turrets. After a series of wartime modifications, she was 2000 tones heavier than Bismarck, making her the heaviest battleship ever built by a European navy.

in early 1941, Tirpitz served as the center piece of the Baltic Fleet intended to prevent a break-out of Soviet Baltic Fleet. In early 1942, the ship sailed to Norway to act as a deterrent against an Allied invasion.in Norway, Tirpitz was also intended to be used to intercept Allied convoys to the Soviet Union, . Tirpitz acted as a fleet in being, forcing the British Royal Navy to retain significant naval forces in the area to contain the battleship.
In September 1943, Tirpitz, along with Scharnhorst, bombarded Allied positions on Spitzbergen, the only time the ship used her main battery in an offensive role. then the ship was damaged in an attack by British submarines air raids. in 1944, British bombers with "Tallboy" bombs 3 hits that caused the ship to capsize rapidly. A fire spread to the magazine for her main battery turrets, which an explosion. between 950 to 1,204 crew members died Between 1948 and 1957, the wreck was scraped by a joint Norwegian and German salvage operation.

my dick is the size of the kms Tirpitz

by Ussr 2023 April 8, 2024