Malt is an acronym for massive ass, luscious tits
Chrale:Oi oi u malt
Jess: thanks char
The act of killing someone and putting them in the woods. Two weeks later you and your buddy go find it. One of them puts their mouth around the box and the other one jumps on her stomach
I was wondering what the malt is
a proper fit girl, most likely to be a top sort.
"im going to maidstone tonight, hopefully I find a game malt there boy"
Crazy Horse Malt Liquor - Hornell Brewing Co. debuted Crazy Horse in 1992. Hornell was owned by John Ferolito and Don Vultaggio...Congress banned it for being offensive to Native Americans. (It changed the name to Crazy Stallion in 2004.)
On March 17, 1992, Hornell Brewing Company introduced The Original Crazy Horse Malt Liquor to the American market. Ferolito, Vultaggio & Sons, distributed the beverage across the country
Crazy Horse Malt Liquor might be named after the real life
Native American Lakota warrior of the same name .
Circa 1840 – September 5, 1877
Dirty Malte
A sexual fetish where those bleeding from the anus experience a heightened orgasm while receiving anal sex and watching videos of Greta Thunberg’s climate change speech at the UN.
Woman - Babe my ass is bleeding… can you give me a Dirty Malte?
Man - I’d love to give you a Dirty Malte babe!
The Person the most enormous penis in the history of the universe (the same length like Russia). Moreover he's really good at flirting and fucking. Most women like exspecially his gorgeous six pack, beautiful face and scrunch butt. Since Malte's sex appeal is out of this world, even hetrosexual men fall in love with him.
Malte Schäfers
When you're turtle heading a turd, but also want to have anal. So the turd gets yoyo-ed up and down your anal cavity only to explode out on completion
I really needed to shit but he came at me with the lube and I couldn't say no, but I ended up doing a chocolate malted turtle all over his dick