1.) A feeling of reading too much manga that causes your brain to slow down.
2.) The state of reading too much manga causing tiredness.
Hey Joey, are you ok? I just need to rest for a bit, I have manga brain. I spent the whole night reading One Piece, and I am feeling tired.
The foul odor from someones crotch after multiple days of built up juice and crust residue from the result of not bathing.
I opened up the legs and took a whiff of that chi chi manga
mangas are books that are usually planed out before a anime release. most people who reads manga might or might not accidently spoil everything that you might not had gotten up to yet. watch out for manga and light novel readers if you are a anime fan.
my manga friend just spoiled everything for me, how dare he...
Translated Japenese Graphic Novels
"What you reading sissy?"
"Just manga why Mckenzie?"
"What's m-m-m-manga"
"Heehee translated Japenese graphic novels"
"Cool I wanna read to!!"
A Japanese comic book read by sadistic weebs who can't be asked to commit to reading a proper book. If you tell a weeb that manga isn't a proper comic, run.
"manga isn't a type of book, they're just dumb comics for kids."
"excuse me??"
It's not a Comic!!!
A Manga is a book that comes from Japan and its a "book Version" of an Anime.
Anime Fan: I Love Anime but I dont like Manga
Manga Fan: Manga have more details
Fan of both: dont Fight!!! All Anime and Manga Fans are Family:-)