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A blog,"a place for friends",a site where you can put a bunch of random information about yourself. A site for the scene kids to put up pictures of them because they feel the need to be commented, ALWAYS. So they post 100 bulletins saying to comment their pictures and will not stop until you do so. Also known as "Scenespace"

"Hey did you see my rad new pictures on Myspace?<3"

by brownie<3 January 5, 2005

381๐Ÿ‘ 275๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place where nothing works and everything is down 99% of the time created by a faggot named Tom Anderson.

Ex. This myspace profile is undergoing routine maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience!

by Breannah July 23, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place where people show off their popularity by competing for the most friends while posting pictures of themselves being emo, Xcore, almost naked,or gangsta. May also post pictures of themselves making out with another person or being strange with friends...or with themselves.

Girl: OMG I have soooo many friends on myspace!
Guy: OMG So do I!!!


comment comment!! k thanx!!!

by Malistar July 27, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A place for people to express their "individuality" or lack thereof; a place to see how many "friends" or numbers you can get.

2. A site for emo kids to talk about how misunderstood they are and that they wish thier parents "got" them.

It is addictive.

Person A: Hey I saw you on myspace!

Person B: I saw you too! You only have 100002 friends though. Thats not very many. I have 1354354616516. *smirk*

by EvieRocksYourFace March 31, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large overly populated excuse for poplularity contests.
an excuse for people to whore themselves out and feel better about themselves by seeing how many people will be their friend. Although said people may have 60 friends on their myspace you can rest assure that they have never talked to or even met at least 30 of those "friends". Judging on how hot or scene you are they take one look at your profile pic and if you're not "hot enough" or "Scene enough" you can forget it!

<IM hot69> hey add me cuz i'm really hot!Add me to your friends list on myspace!
<hot scene kid> okay but are u scene?

by love is is suicide in it's slowest form 328 January 2, 2006

45๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


a website where thousands of teens randomly sign up to make friends. and then they go to school and obsessively disscuss the number of comments and friends they have. and then they argue over who has more profile views, friends, and how many of those friends they actually know...just to try to beat one another out.

"I have WAY more myspace friends then you."
"Yeah? well I have more myspace comments."
"Agg...shut up. at least I have a better myspace rating."

by squeeze_tighter September 5, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Myspace is an extremely over-rated blogging website that is over-used by scene kids and emos. The perfect place for stalkers and pedophiles to find bait by posting googled pictures of attractive teens and messaging insecure children and luring them into thinking they've scored with a hot teen model. Mainly used by middle and high schoolers. Middle school girls often take pictures of themselves at odd angles to try to make it look they have boobs/an ass. Guys usually take shirt-less pics of themselves flexing their 6-pack (if they even have one). More common picture types: the emo pics, and the mirror pics. Often post descriptions under pics including song lyrics or something like: "0MG i kno i`m h0tt!!1!" or "*blank* Ownz this!! Lolz." Other people comment things like: "SO PRETTY!" or "I'd tap that." You can be the ugliest piece of shit in the world but u will probobly still get comments like that. Also a place for sucky garage bands to post their horrible music and try to get publicity. There are shirts out that read things like: "I *heart* Tom", "Don't i know you from myspace?", and "You looked better on Myspace." Myspace is now even being used for advertising movies and other companies. In my opinion, its fucking annoying and i cant wait for this stupid fad to be over.

Scene kid: Myspace is my life!!!
Me: Idiot.

by Marieze June 25, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž