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Bush Narc

A Bush Narc is an "Invisible" person hiding in the bushes. Typically seen by Tweakers a common name for those high on methamphetamine.

"Tator, look at them there, them damn Bush Narcs is back again and they dun brought they friend's!"

by Chrisha February 17, 2023

Narc Puck

Slang term for a urinal deodorizer puck especially if it involves putting one filled with piss in someones mouth

Tyler: Whats Up, Ya Little Bitch. Ya Tyler's Bitch.
Andy: Watch the Language, Tyler.
Tyler: Whatcha gonna do about, huh pussy, u gonna "'cwy" about it to ur mommy and daddy, u little fuckin' cwybaby?
Andy: Thats it, you little punk. Hand over the phone and computer.
Tyler: U think ur tough now, you little faggot, u think ur fuckin' tough now.
Andy: Hand me your phone and computer now. You smartass.
Tyler: Since when is a cwybaby my dad, I thought my dad was a tough, strong man. Hey, whats this? A Narc Puck? Ooh la la, its got piss all over it.
Andy: Get in the corner now, you little punk!
Tyler: Nope, put the narc puck in ur mouth, u little punk, put it in ur motherfuckin' mouth, faggot.

by Fortnite1500 November 13, 2019

Narc Zuckerberg

Derogatory term for Facebook and other social media owned by Mark Zuckerberg under Meta for their disregard for privacy, particularly their willingness to turn over private information to law enforcement.

Person 1: “A woman was arrested for obtaining birth control.”
Person 2: “Ugh that sucks. How did she get caught?”
Person 1: “Facebook turned over private messages between her and her mother to the police.”
Person 2: “Fuck you Narc Zuckerberg!”

by Supercoolsome July 27, 2023

narc plague

The affliction or nuccance of being related to or acting as an informant to authority figures.

I was treated like a narc plague. Classmates would be disrespectful to me in choir, and the teacher who was my mom called them out for it, then they got mad at me. Pricks.

by Goldybobblehead December 20, 2022

don't be a narc

Usually means don't be a grass when used in a social setting. This can either be for illegal drug use or any type of controversial behaviour. Similar to how a brother or sister grasses you in for doing something bad to your parents.

Narc often means narcotics officer amongst gangs.

'Don't be a narc bro, elbowing Jimmy in the face was funny anyway he's a dick'

by AcidTabs August 9, 2022


Jason Brown

Brown your such a fucking narc

by SRTC April 27, 2022


NARC-non academic regions child

You are a narc because you are in stupid social studies

by weenieville February 15, 2022