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Sleepy Stazzone

An individual with low amounts of energy being depressed around a group of friends or coworkers.

Chris, stop being a Sleepy Stazzone, you're ruining the upbeat atmosphere of this area.

by CharlieFoxxtrot July 14, 2008

Sleepy elephant

A melatonin placed at that bottom of a shot glass that is then filled with alcohol, preferably Jack Daniels. Will knock you out. Correct: will knock you the fuck out!

Bro 1: dude, where the fuck have i been the last 2 days.
Bro 2: What you talking about? you been knocked out for the last week after that sleepy elephant you had!

by omar in the car December 8, 2010

Sleepy glue

When a male is denied intercourse, once the woman falls asleep, the male then begins to masturbate, once he’s ready to ejaculate he proceeds to spread the woman’s buttcheek’s and ejaculates between her buttcheeks causing a superglue like seal.

last night my girl wouldn’t put out, so i applied some sleepy glue to her ass.

by The Original candy man November 29, 2019

Sleepy Shits

When every time you fall asleep you shit yourself!

Plus I got the sleepy shits, that’s when you shit yourself every time you fall asleep! Only happened about 6 times! Only got the sheets twice! Needless to say I’m plum wore out!

by Jonathan the poon handler January 14, 2019

Sleepy Norsil

A username of a beautiful women that I love so very much and is the pride of my life

Person 1: wow have you seen Sleepy Norsil
Person 2(me): ya she is so beautiful and cute

by The_Doctor_Jonk July 20, 2019

Sleepy Pete

When you fuck someone in their sleep

Oh lord Tom pulled a sleepy Pete on jim

by Sleepy pete August 18, 2022

Sleepy Puppy

When Benadryl is poured into an asshole and then lapped out by a second party.

Drown him like a guppy in that surly sleepy puppy.

by True Dave February 12, 2017