What otherwise may appear as impossible, but is possibly possible on the net as a possibility
What for others are not possible are for dotcomers dot possible.
A phrase your neighbor advises you to use when you are caught by your spouse with your pants down with the above mentioned neighbor.
“Fuck, fuck! Stop!”
“What’s wrong with it?!”
“She’s home!”
“Deny if possible.”
“You’re busted assholes.” - Doorbell camera
Can be acheivable .
Work hard enough and there’s that possibility of a better outcome
Meatless-less meat, also known as regular meat.
BK Customer: Can I have a possible meat burger?
Tortured Drive-Thru employee: Did you mean Impossible Burger, sir?
BK Customer: no, I want a regular burger if thats possible.
Annoyed Tortured Drive-Thru employee: Fuck you!!
Something that isn't possible to do on Facebook, i.e. physically possible.
Alex: Did you see my thread?
Vicky: Yeah, and I liked your thread more than Facebookly possible, as I can only like it once.
A mother fucker who makes shiny Roblox videos
I watch possibly a gamer
Me: wtf