Depending on the Context, it Could stand for a number of things:
1. Not shit
2. Nun serious
3. No shit
4. Nothing special
guy1: wyd?
person2: ns, I’m Chillin layin down, wbu?
Meaning of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in English:
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
fuller form of Comecon
Translating Russian Sovet ékonomicheskoĭ vzaimopomoshchi.
How to use Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns) in a sentence is still unknown.
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (ˈkaʊns(ə)l fɔ (r) ˈmju tʃuəl ˌi kəˈnɒmɪk əˈsɪst(ə)ns)
When a statement has no source and cannot be proven at this time
Give I a N one nitro gift on Dec. 10th!!
Ia ns nitro gift day Gift him!!
The loudest fire alarm in north America. (no really firealarmdude5967 made a video on the loudest fire alarm and the NS won)
I tested my Wheelock NS without ear protection and now I'm partially deaf