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helpful hip-nudge

A.k.a. supplemental nudge; it refers to where you give someone's hip an assistive push with your hip to shift him over in a bench-seat when he is unable to do so under his own power, such as if he is totally exhausted, if he has a huge lapful of objects, or if the floor is not clear/flat/level enough for him to brace his feet solidly against it and slide himself over.

Trying to effectively brace one's feet and scooch over into the middle of the seat far enough to make room for a third person can be difficult in a pickup truck with a floor-mounted manual shift-lever and transmission-hump in the way, so the entering passenger may be obliged to give said middle-rider a helpful hip-nudge to slide him over the rest of the way so that the entering passenger can seat himself and shut the truck's door.

by QuacksO April 8, 2019

Dirty Nudge

When a girl is tickling your scrotum then all of a sudden one of your balls gets sucked into the girls vagina like a vacuum cleaner

I was letting this girl tickle my scrotum until she pulled a dirty Nudge and my penis bursted like a pipe.

by xghostlyghoulx June 6, 2020


1. A word you commenly use when you are a wanna be ghetto 10-year-old.

2. Also used when you get all-net in basketball

1. Josh: Aww Jane stop being such a Bumnudge's friend.

2. Tyler: Ohh Bum-nudge, that was all in there!

by Queeners13 January 15, 2011


When the tip of your nose dips down further than your base. Instead of coming directly out, the tip goes down.

Anna Kendrick has a nudge-a-boo nose.

by con con ma non non May 14, 2011


nudge- i good looking women

nudges- a couple or group of attractive women

evandro-“what do you think of sandra and mia ?”

kai-“both of them are proper nudges

by faulky April 30, 2024


Liking and unliking a text that you sent to a friend, especially a friend that ghosted you. It's more socially appropriate than sending him or her another text.

After my friends moved away, I nudged them every few months using a text I sent months ago. I wish I were able to nudge people to who I haven't texted yet.

by LukeyBearUD January 19, 2023


The opposite of edging. Nudging is when your partner is on the verge of orgasm and as they try to edge, you “nudge” them over the line.

“Girl 1: I put my dildo so far up Jimmy’s ass the balls were against his balls. He begged me not to move..
Girl 2: Aaannd you nudged him.
Girl 1: Nudged till the toy was smudged with fudge girl.”

by ItsMeMatthewD December 9, 2022