Private Browsing and Jerking Off. The assumption that any time someone uses private browsing on their mobile phones they are doing so to watch porn and masturbate.
“Hey Steve - what did you do last night after you struck out at the club?”
“I went home for some PB&J and went to sleep”
When a guy rubs peanut butter all over his dick and then has sex with a girl on her period.
Guy 1: "So did you and Emily have sex last night?"
Guy2: "No man, she was on her period."
Guy 1: "You should've tried a PB&J!"
Originally used for talking about a blow job in public, it is now used as a way of saying the word 'blow job' discreetly. Referencing the sandwich Peanut Butter and Jelly, it stands for Public Blow Job.
Person 1: did you hear person was giving other person a Pb&J in the principals office?
Person 2: What?!?
it gud
pb & j is gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddokekoprm3poernv4tuib5jbgji5biupch3tj09tj5hf'retvj4jvwej3jewiec
The indescribable feeling of accomplishment after a workout
How are you feeling after that workout?
Reciving a blow job or oral sex in a porter potty.
Last night at the church picnic the priest gave me a PB&J. It was Godly
Pussy, bitches and jazz. Can either be used at school to hide your true intentions, or just as a fun abbreviation. Many people prefer to sub the J for “Jizz”, “Jam”, or “Junk”. These are all valid options.
“Dave could really use some PB & J, he’s been really down lately since his break up.”