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Synonyms: MysteriousMusic

you are just like potato over there

by yAbOiFrIdAy March 1, 2019


potatoes are good
french fries

potatoes are wonderful !

by BarryAllenIsNotAGoldfish August 3, 2020


A long and brown delicious item that cannot be hated in any way. Potatoes can also be a form of human. Most common phrases are "Couch potato" or "Big Potato". Human-Potatoes are usually defined as lazy, sleepy, a food-lover, etc. Although the phrase "Potato" has died down recently, deep in our hearts we have some potato in us.

I want a bake potato for lunch
I am such a couch potato. I stayed up all night watching Netflix on the couch!

by Shakespeare Definitions April 16, 2020


1) The best food in the world.

2) A special kid.

I............................................. am a potato

by Youxoli October 26, 2020


In first-person shooter video games, a potato is a person, normally a "noob", who gets on your team and has absolutely no skill at playing the game. Therefore, they get taken down very quickly when the match starts. A potato is only useful for those brief moments when they are being relentlessly gunned down by the enemy by providing a distraction so that the more skilled players on the team can counterattack or sneak up behind the enemy. A potato is useless in any other scenario that requires not dying and they will likely drag the rest of a player's team down with them when they beg for a revive. This potato revive scenario is also a countertactic used by highly skilled and experienced competitors who will camp out to shoot at anyone who comes near the downed potato. A potato's treachery, while unintentional, knows no bounds.

Player 1: "Hey don't revive BigfootsMilf69, he will only get you killed alongside him!"
Player 2: "Yeah, what a potato!"

by Zombie Assassin July 6, 2022


A lazy bum with no purpose in life.

Last week I was a complete potato. I should do more with my life.

by BedatSavage January 23, 2017


A lazy fuck

(Juan) Hey dude, wanna go to the skate park?

(Gareth) Nah I gonna just sit here and watch Judge Judy.

(Juan) you fucking potato!

by Big Homie 73 August 3, 2019