confirmation bias of morality that grows stronger with the submission of other morals or ideas most entirely by a bandwagon fallacy.
Christianity is classic bandwagon righteousness.
One who pretends to be a high credibility or operates under false pretenses in order to earn money and truly not help their communities as they proclaim to.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was considered to be a “poor righteous teacher”, but people like televangelist are more like faux-righteous teachers. They simply pretend to do it for the good of others but they profit largely from their exploitation of faith and community giving.
A sin-ful triangle that continually needs to go for confession so that it could behave more like a right one on this side of eternity—until its last breath when it will be platonically transformed into a perfect one.
Guesstimate how many un-right triangles globally long to become a righteous triangle every quarter.
To smell so good you turn yourself on.
Bought my new shampoo - man, shit makes me smell righteous.
a term that is used when taking a video on someone else's phone
haley: "i appreciate... your righteous asshole"
A person usually named Richard who is a sanctimonious dick.
Rich Smith is such a self-righteous Richard.
More righteous or more morally qualified isn't equal, so females pushing males for that aren't pushing them for equality, they are pushing for superiority, and that's bullshit. It's as bullshit as males trying to do the same thing with females.
The girl couldn't see that her own double standards or steps on her own ladder were everything she ever made fun of in somebody else when picking at their double standards or seeing through the rungs in their ladders, so she kept talking shit about people and judging them while telling them not to judge her for it. She wasn't any more righteous than anybody else, but always thought she was.