Source Code


A fantasy game where child porn addicts stalk player for personal information, where cool kids are called noobs, and annoying little fucks go around begging for money.

1. Child Porn Addict: Hey! your so hot be my GF?... Where do you live? -.-
2.Cool Kid: I'm cooler than you in real life. What! your the noob.fdsafdsauhjkfds!!!
3 Little fucks: hey darklord59569 can i please have 1k... Thank you.... can i have 1k... etc.

by Aijabyu Inibut February 1, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A highly addictive game that caused my younger brother to run through a sliding glass door to play more runescape. This resulted in hundreds of stitches on the side of his stomach.Don't start this game ever. Its a mistake, you will only end up getting hurt.

My little brother Greg-MUST GET TO RUNESCAPE!!!
**runs the sliding glass door sending tons of shattered glass flying**
Greg-Uh oh.
**still attempts to drag himself to computer so he could play while he waited for the paramedics.

by Holly the Ginger Kidd May 12, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ok where do i start...
Well all i have to say about this fucking game is that it will steal your soul and rape it. Its full of 30 year old nerds living in their mom's basement. This god damn game stole about 4 months out of my life! I EVEN WANTED TO STOP PLAYING THIS GAME AND GO OUTSIDE BUT I JUST WOULD FREAKING MOVE!!! FUCK!!! Im telling you watever you do DONT PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME! You will turn into a loser and you just wont do anthing. My god. because of this game, i procrastined my freakin homework off to midnight cause of this damn game and STAYED UP TO 4 IN THE MORNING FOR A WEEK! (This happened twice cause of this fuckin game) This game may be addicting, but think about it, everyone who plays this is a nerd, your soul will be stolen and raped, your grades will plummet, you will have no life, and you will become a nerd and a loser. This happened to me (except becomin a nerd and loser). TAKE MY ADVICE! DESTROY YOUR ACCOUNT IF YOU HAVE ONE AND NEVER THINK ABOUT RUNESCAPE AGAIN!! You will want to shoot yourself because of what runecape does to you.

runescape addict: yo i just gained 50 lvls and my charcter is amazing now! all rite!!!
absolute silence.... Theres no one in his mom's basement to hear him and everyone hates him anyways cause he's a nerd and a loser. No one would listen to him anyways.
The next day this guy kills himself because runescape has destroyed all his dreams of becoming something great. All colleges that he applied to bitch slapped him and told him to get a life. After this, he had no choice but to end his life because he had no life to begin with.....

by suckering suckitash May 2, 2006

556๐Ÿ‘ 406๐Ÿ‘Ž



Boy 1: Hey, do you want to come over to my place tomorrow?
Boy 2: Cant.
Boy 1: Oh... why?
Boy 2: Leveling up...
Boy 1: Huh?
Boy 2: You know? Combat, attack, strength, possibly mining but I'm not sure yet... I think I'll be going up a magic skill point soon too...
Boy 1: Oh, er, okay. Maybe some other time then?
Boy 2: Mmmm. *sigh* I love runescape.
Boy 1: okay, yeah catchya.

by GmoneyBRO. February 7, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Runescape is a MMORPG which was created by Andrew Gower who founded Jagex Limited in 2001. While in development Runescape's previous name was DeviousMUD. When Runescape was released it had 2D graphics, however sometime around 2004 they released Runescape 2, which is the version of Runescape you can play at present day. The graphics were re-vamped into 3D graphics and gameplay value was better as Jagex had started bringing out new skills, The first of the new skills was Runecrafting which was very popular at the time and changed the way people played Runescape forever.

Despite many peoples views about this MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) I personally think that this game is a good game to play as it is fun, enjoyable, it passes time, some players in game are very competetive and finally, it has hundreds of quests to complete and 20+ skills to train. I have played Runescape since march 2003 and I still play. A lot of people seem to mention an addictive quality about Runescape. Personally I think Runescape isn't addictive I just think it is a good game that hooks you and entices you from the beggining moments that you start playing (That's a sign of a good game eh?). Overall Runescape is a GOOD GAME despite what people say (Or why would Runescape have over 100,000 members?) and I think it is worth giving it a try.

People with a low attention span should NOT play Runescape.
People under the age of 13 should NOT play Runescape.
People looking for BF/GF should NOT play Runescape.
People who have bad attitude problems should NOT play Runescape.

Runescape is a good game, there is no denying that. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion doesn't mean anything seeing as Runescape has over 200,000 players and has been going for 7 years.

I am fed up of people saying that 'people who play Runescape are all nerds'. You get 'nerds' on MSN, Myspace, Wow, Youtube, HL2, CSS, Gaia, AIM, Xbox Live etc and I bet most of the people saying that use atleast one of the above.

by RS Name : Martymcfly55 June 13, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pretty good game, which was created entirely with Java. It's three dimensional. The object of the game is what makes it so good, because the whole point of the game is whatever you want it to be. You can make friends, do quests, or train in various skills, such as mining, smithing, crafting, fishing, woodcutting, etc.

The only complaints about this game that I have are that almost everything is limited to members, such as most of the quests, the map space, and alot of other cool stuff. Also, everybody calls each other a noob for some reason. The graphics might also not appeal to all people, but if you look past the graphics, you'll see that its a pretty fun game, but you need to know when to stop playing.

(By the way, I might become a member by next month!)
Immature player: 5hu7 up n00b!
Newbie: plz give me stuff i died plz
*** Newbie attempts to trade a level 79 repeatedly***
***Level 79 gives newbie full bronze armor and walks off***

My name in Runescape is Lord Arcane3, feel free to add me to your list.

by Runescape is NOT a bad game! September 24, 2005

434๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž


legal alternative to crack-cocaine

coEMon MOm I NeEd diS P2P oN ruNeScapez!!!1!!1


by moobies1 April 14, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž