Sierra Saul is nice, kind, pretty and beautiful. She is always there for me no matter what. Just seeing her makes my day everyday. Knowing that I have her in my life, completes me. Shes so nice to everyone and makes everyone's day. I love her so much and I love everything she does for me and anyone else. She is so nice to everyone and is never mean. I know that I can trust her with anything I have because she is always there for me and trusts me. I love you so Much Sierra.❤
Sierra Saul is the best.
Sierra Saul is a nice, kind, pretty, beautiful girl who makes everyone haply no matter what. She is always there for me and does so much for and I can trust her with anything. I love her so much and she makes me happy by just seeing her. Knowing that I have her in my life just brightens up my day. I love you so much Sierra❤ (Dante)
Sierra Saul is always there for me
A: Wats wour favorite person?
B: Saule
A: Really? Me too!
A: Whats your favorite person?
B: Saule
A: Really? Me too!
Sexy ass mf with ginger hair and a fringe and likes to be called princess. She also has daddy issues 😁
Saule is so hot but she’s insane
a HILARIOUS girl with more humour than anyone. beautiful body and an amazing personality
“have you seen saule today?”
“yeah man! she looks so gorgeous today!”
“i’m so jealous of her body.”
A very very very british Girl.
Hey did you see Saule?
Yeah She's Very British.
Ikr. So Britosh.