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dirty schiavo

When you happen upon a particularly passed out lady friend and proceed to take her home to your bed, slather her up with some applesauce, stick an aux cord in that asshole, and let your jiblets ride.

Will: Dude, did you see that chick in the alleyway last night?
Alec: Yeah dude, I totally gave that jabroni a dirty schiavo.
Will: Nice.

by SirBongsAlot November 1, 2017

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Terri Schiavo

A lady in Florida that is having her stomach eat it's self because shes a vegitable and her husband had her feeding tube removed. Also a spokesperson from the WTFATECA(what the fuck are the etheopiens complaining about)Foundation. My next vote for a got milk add. As well as a term for a chick that just lays there with a stupid look on her face when you're fucking her.

Hey I fucked your mom last night and she was all Terri Schiavo on me.

by Micheal Schiavo March 24, 2005

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Terri Schiavo Weed

Terri Schiavo Weed is marijuana that physically and mentally incapacitates you. In other words, GOOD SHIT.

"Man, I'd like to get up but this Terri Schiavo weed's got me glued to the floor!"

by Savage Infant Whale March 31, 2005

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full Terri Schiavo

When someone goes beyond full retard.

WOw, that reporter just went full Terri Schiavo.

by mrbrout August 15, 2017

Terry Schiavo Weed

Terry Shiavo Weed is marijuana that physically and mentally incapacitates you. In other words, GOOD SHIT.

"Man, I'd like to get up but this Terry Shiavo weed's got me glued to the floor!"

by Savage Infant Whale March 25, 2005

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terri schiavo diet

simply put, to stop eating, to fast

Damn, you see that girls ribs, bitch must be on a terri schiavo diet.

by Peter Richie March 30, 2005

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terri schiavo kiss

well its pretty much the same thing as a butterfly kiss.When you rapidly blink your eye next to someone's cheek (or any place else) which makes your eyelash brush up and down against their skin.

it was named after the late terri schiavo, brain-damaged woman that sparked debate in the right to live movement. She was notably only able to blink after 15 years on life support.

" oh snap, i just gave her a terri shiavo kiss"

by xsolipsistx April 17, 2005

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