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Secondhand spray tan

The unintentional transmission of spray tan odor/color from one partner to another via direct contact. See printing press.

"Orange chest and stomach... Strong 'burnt carrot' odor," the doctor reassured me it was nothing more than a secondhand spray tan, probably something I picked up from my girlfriend, "it ought to clear up on it's own in a couple of weeks..."

by milliniumfalcon November 22, 2011

secondhand brain damage

Prolonged exposure to someone else's brain damage to the point a small part of their brain damage causes negative effects to those witnessing their behavior.

i just got secondhand brain damage from scrolling through a flat earth twitter thread

by Mattdiction July 23, 2021

Secondhand Disney channel

When you, unintentionally, know too much about the Disney channel. Because of younger siblings.

Guy: Zach Effron is such a queer.

Guy 2: Who the hell is that?

Guy: The guy who plays Troy in High School Musical.

Guy 2: Dude you got some Secondhand Disney channel going on.

Guy: Yeah my little sister always watches that.

by dylannnnnnnnn August 29, 2008

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secondhand feels

When you feel sad or angry or just generally upset because someone else feels the same way about a situation in their life.

Say you area a girl, and your boyfriend tells you about something in his life that's making him depressed, and feeling worthless. And then afterwards you find yourself feeling the same way, for what seems to be for no reason. You get secondhand feels, from his feels.

by bushcat1445 November 17, 2013

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Secondhand corn on the cob

Noun. A log of feces that contains undigested corn. It is consumed in the same manner that a person eats corn on the cob; the kernels are picked from the feces by one's mouth/teeth. Because corn isn't digested properly, the potential for thirdhand and fourth-hand corn on the cob is also very possible.

Mike: Wow, my dump sure was corny.
Bryton: Damn! Do you mind if I take it? I didn't have a plan for dinner anyway.

Mike: Sure dude, have at it.
Bryton: YES!! I love secondhand corn on the cob!! This will be the best meal I've hd in weeks!!

by Puckstopper92 March 30, 2015

Melbourne Secondhand Snakeskin

This is a used condom that you borrow from a friend because you are too cheap to buy your own. Often found in the parking lots of famous Restaurants in Melbourne Florida.

My Dude: "Dam, Connor is one hell of a Melbourne Secondhand Snakeskiner!"
My Dude 2: "Ya I cant believe he used Melbourne Secondhand Snakeskin on that chick!"
My Dude 3: " Didn't you Melbourne Secondhand Snakeskin that chick?"

by ConairSV June 25, 2010

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secondhand grocery shopping

Doing all or part your grocery shopping by taking items from unattended carts. Usually done out of laziness, distance of the item, or tomfoolery.

Rob: Ugghh i forgot to get the eggs, and it's all the way on the other side of the store.

Matt: Don't worry, almost everyone has eggs in their cart.

Rob: Oh, good thinking. I'll just do some secondhand grocery shopping on some sucker's cart.

Matt: Quick, that cart's all alone with the goods!

by ELRAYDENADA April 27, 2009

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