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shah malik

Sexy, hot brown dude that goes to Ancaster High School. A girl a year younger than him is a little over obssessed with him. She wants to rishta that man but doesn't have the guts to. Good luck with your life, Shah Malik!

Girl: I love Shah Malik so much!

Wahhaj: ok.

by brownpower05 May 27, 2014

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Neal Shah

A bad gacha life cringe discord mod

We should demote Neal Shah

by nealnyethebadguy September 30, 2020

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Aadi Shah

the biggest indian sweaty dog you will ever encounter. If found, run as far away as possible

ah shit, an Aadi Shah

by MA NAME IS JEFF July 20, 2019

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Zain shah

Zain Shah is a dumb brat who don't know anything what so ever and still got GPA because of advantage

Zain Shah was a good guy

by I'm sucking my own D June 12, 2021

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Ahmed Shah Massoud

The late legendary commander of the Northern Alliance, killed in a plot by terrorists from Napakistan. He was an ally of the west & democracy.

Ahmed Shah Massoud is immortalised in the hearts & minds of people of Panjshir. Now his son takes his place.

by Jumbled McGobbledygook August 23, 2021

Pranay Shah

The sweetest, nicest, most compassionate, cutest, innocent, charming man you will ever meet. Ever girl wants him, and every guy wants to be like him.

Pranay Shah of Bellerose (252)

by $$P-Money$$ September 19, 2008

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Ahmad Shah Baba

Ahmad Shah (1722-72), Abdali Durrani. First Emir of Afghanistan and founder of the Sadozai dynasty of the Abdali tribe. In October 1747 elected King (Shah) of Afghanistan by an assembly of Pashtun chiefs the new leader of the Afghans changed his title from khan (chief) to shah (king in Persian) and assumed the name Durrani (Pearl of Pearls). Immediately he began to consolidate and enlarge his kingdom. He seized Kabul. He wrested from the Moghuls their territories west of the Indus. The Pashtun tribesmen rallied to his banner, and Ahmad Shah led them on nine campaigns into India in search of booty and territorial conquest. He added Kashmir, Sind, and the Western Punjab to his domains and founded an empire which extended from eastern Persia to northern India and from the Ammu Darya to the Indian Ocean. In 1756 he occupied Delhi and carried off as much wealth as possible, thereby enriching his treasury. By 1761, his kingdom was larger than present Afghanistan.

He led a contingent of his tribesmen in the service of Nadir Shah, king of Persia, who won control of most of Afghanistan and part of India. When Nadir died, Ahmad founded an independent Afghan kingdom. He invaded the Indian Punjab six times between 1748 and 1752, and he seized and sacked Delhi. In 1761 he defeated an Indian army at Panipat, India. Although he was a powerful military leader, Ahmad never succeeded in permanently ruling India; he subsequently withdrew into Afghanistan.

Ahmad Shah was an outstanding general and a just ruler. He governed with the help of a council of chiefs, each responsible for his own people. Thus all matters of national issues were centralized, but each chief ruled his own tribe. This kind of arrangement won the support of the people, and was prevailing political pattern in Afghanistan until the monarchy ended in 1973. Ahmad Shah's vast realm soon broke apart. Afghans were better fighters than administrators.

Ahmad Shah left twenty-three sons, but failed to nominate an heir. Ahmad Shah died of a natural death in April 1772. During the next 25 years the royal princes plotted and intrigued for possession of the Afghan throne while their empire fell apart around them. Three different brothers briefly secured the throne, one of them twice, each soon falling victim to one another, but extended to their royal supporters and advisors. In 1818, the youngest of the Mohammadzai sons, Dost Mohammad, challenged and defeated Shah Mahmud of the Sadozai family near Kabul.

His Other names:

Ahmad shah Baba
Ahmad Shah Durrani
Father of Afghanistan

by Muhamad Ali October 7, 2006

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