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A bag of flesh that’s sole purpose is to consume otherwise useful things, i.e., food, time, or knowledge. Then turn them into shit shooting it out both holes, relatively useless and wasteful.

1. Literary

Scummy in character disingenuous in heart.

2. Heraldry

(Of human) to act in the worst manor of jackassory, I.e., fuckin stupid.

Look at how that fucking shitbag parked his car.

You ate all my chicken burgers? You’re such a shitbag.

That is the fucking dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you fucking shitbag.

by UandA June 10, 2020


Someone whom will not perform an act due to fear of failure or rejection.

He's a shitbag, he wouldn't do it. The shitbag.

by UrbanDickwad April 8, 2016



Gamez is a shitbag

by Park2458 September 9, 2019


I should beg if somebody who has no hopes and dreams for the future and is basically degenerate because of this they are often referred to as shit bag for their head being the bag and their brain being the shit

William Sterling you are such a fucking shitbag

by June 2, 2024


A person that is a piece of shit, a shit head, and a douchebag.

He is such a shitbag.

She is 30 years old, doesn't have a job, mooches off of everyone, no one likes her and she is going nowhere in life; She's a shitbag.

by P. Valley March 1, 2018

Shitbag broke

Being broke to the point where you feel like there is no difference between you and some random homeless guy toting around a bag of shit. I'm not talking about a shopping cart full of cans or clothes. I'm talking about a nasty ass paper bag full of corn ridden, stank ass, human shit. In essence, the homeless guy is a metaphor. He is a reflection of how you think others see you and the bag of shit represents the financial issues weighing you down.

I wanted to go to the movies but I checked my balance and realized I was Shitbag broke.
During the government shutdown, Gus had to donate plasma due to being Shitbag broke.

by lemonjuicepandafucker January 6, 2019


Stabbing someone in the bumhole so they need a colostomy bag

Usually reserved for snitches or the worst of the worse. Unless you piss off a level 10 roadman then your getting shitbagged regardless. Step on his shoe. Shitbagged
Stare too long. Shitbagged etc

He snitched so we shitbagged him live o
Now he has to poo poo in a bag

by Smokeypokey404 February 1, 2022