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Shitpost Day

Shitpost Day is when you can post memes in #general.

Everyday is Shitpost Day, it is just that there are Non-Shitposters that always try to cancel it.

by Smugboi February 17, 2022


A term used in TMC(Technical minecraft) often used to describe purposefully awful contraptions or memes in minecraft. The term shitposting has been often used by JKM.

i'm going to go do some shitposting in vanilla survival.

by caribous August 9, 2023


Using social media while on the toilet

My constitutional is slow so I’m multitasking by shitposting.

by Bee Vomit October 29, 2020


posting photos of your shit to gain money off peoples weird fetishes

i am running out of money i will have to start shitposting

by kolalol February 20, 2022

Shitpost lore

A discord server full of discord users
(because its discord fucking dumbass)

im a shitpost lore member XDXD

by seniorJackk August 11, 2022

shitpost central

A server that allows members to converse between each other, sending racist memes and jokes. shitposts

"Bro D7EAD is such a twat, he banned me for no reason, fuck shitpost central."

by sjonks March 21, 2022

Shitpost central

A place where 4 retards say random shit

"Did you hear what they were saying on shitpost central?"

by ThatFucker March 9, 2017