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Someone who has been dumb and you don’t like them any more.

Dude1: *trips over a table*
Dude2: ha watta shmuck

by Bonnie0809 December 19, 2019


Shmuck means the word emily

gay shmuck

emily is a shmuck

by mi nam jeoff August 3, 2021


A stupid mother fucker

Don't act like a shmuck

by Eligelibeli May 29, 2017


An insult to imply someone is useless (as the removed foreskin). Usually more descriptive of the user than the subject.

This shmuck just totally cut in line in front of me. Doesn't he know I need my Starbucks?

by Princess Stinkypants April 27, 2016


get ur penis sucked from a very old person with no teeth

man:girl take out your dentures lemme get my meat shmucked

by stinky feet smells July 1, 2022


to make a PB&J using a dead fetus as the jam and your own shit as the jelly

“Bro i’m so hungry right now, I for real need to start shmucking”

by holytractor February 13, 2024


someone who’s a dickhead all the time

aye shut up you flippin shmuck-head”

by Deans a ginger brisket June 1, 2021