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Shucked out

To leave in a hurry on a whim at night.coming from the use of a corn husk lit for use as a lantern in a pinch.

When he heard the sheriff was after him he shucked out

by Eas3 December 11, 2018

shuck a luck

A late 50's and early 60's dance referred to in a popular radio hit: "Do the Shuck a Luck".

Come on, baby do the shuck a luck.

by Nishnob April 27, 2017

shucking the bang

Something like the bomb, either something really good or shocking

This pizza is shucking the bang!

That crime scene was shucking the bang!

by Violet Blu March 6, 2017

shucking fitballs

Its a nicer way of saying fucking shitballs

Danny just won £10,000,000 in the lottery last night

Shucking fitballs

by Upstairsdragon October 3, 2014


An advanced form of the scissors sex position between two women that have severely enlarged meat curtains.

Person #1: "did you hear those weird slapping/suction noises last night?"
Person #2:"oh that was just the lesbians next door oyster-shucking"

by TurtleLovin October 31, 2023

lit a shuck

The phrase means to depart in haste for another location, especially in the dead of night. It is derived from the use of corn shucks as convenient torches for lighting the way home.

As heard at 33:57 minutes into the movie “No Country for Old Men

“the glass is stlll sweating (condensation), I believe they lit a shuck.”

by No country November 26, 2022

oh shucks

another way to say that is raw or oh shit.

"Oh Shucks, i just won the lottery."

by Rica May 16, 2005

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