“GAY-ge Sil-vah “
Refers to wanna be macho man who spends all his spare time obsessing over past relationships and eating his problems away. Gages can typically be seen, heard, and felt from miles away because of how massive they are.
“Dude could you leave Adri alone Gage silva, she’s not coming back.”
“Did you seriously eat all that food Gage silva?”
Young prospect who will go on to win many trophies with wolves like the ballon d'or in 2026 and the FA cup in 2020/2021
Fabio Silva is so promising, I can see him doing big things one day
Victoria silva is normally very scary. She likes to get physical very often. Don’t get her mad because she will most likely slap the fuck out of you. She is very nice to her close friends but once you get comfortable with her she will feel comfortable to punch, kick,slap, or physically abuse you in any way possible. She is the life of the party and loves to go out. She gets a lot of guys and loves having a friend group with boys and girls. She loves her friends and is normally scared to open up because of her past friendships.
Hey you know Victoria Silva
Yeah she’s so cool!
Yeah I know I wish I could be her friend
Truly the god tier last name amongst men. People with the last name Silvas are known to be built like gigachad and are the sexist motherfuxkers on this Earth. Everyone is a meer mortal compared to these gods of people
Silvas: rest easy mortal fore I am here to help you
He has the biggest cock in the room
Powerful sex driver
Loves to have his dick sucked and loves to suck some dick
Always down for interracial premarital sex
A bitch ass nigga with a lil dick . He often likes Cleveland steam cleaners on his face.
Who's that dumbass over there? Oh it's just Jio silva