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a name given to the sport known as football (the best damn sport there is)

in regards to the def. from 'spikesy' (no.25)

"5) It's only 90 minutes, while an American football game is 4 hours, Therfour to play Football you have to have more stamina than in soccer."
-yes but they are actually running up and down a massive pitch for 90minutes straight

"6) Keep in mind that America plays Soccer and most of Europe dosn't play American Football. Who has a right to judge those sports, the Country that plays both or the country that plays only one?"
-why would europe waste their time in american football when they could be playing the real thing

"7) What's the deal with the short-shorts and knee-high socks anyway?"
-its logic. they're eaiser to run in and their shorts really aren't that short. the long socks are to keep the shin guards in place. and american football, whats with the tights?

"8) If Football as known around the world, IT would be the most popular sport."
-but it's not known around the world. why? cause its crap

"9) Do you know why America dosn't like soccer? Because Americans have 4 other sports to watch and play that are ten times better than soccer. Soccer is boring, America knows this because we've played it coutless times, and if it wasn't for the World cup and a 'need" to be in it we could quite playing it. Soccer is a boring game of luck, witch compared to other american sports, very easy to play."
-the only reason they don't play it is cause they suck

and dude, don't diss the europeans, majority of americans came form europe.

american - soccers a fag sport

european - its called football. you know why? cause we actually use our feet, not our hands. fag sport you say? we're not the ones who pile on top of eachother like a group of homosexuals

by insomniac16 August 7, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


The BEST SPORT EVER and thats that

That game is totally soccer

by KNicole August 9, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


soccer takes way more goddamn endurance and toughness than our shitty american sports if soccer is such a pussy sport than how come you run for 90 minutes straight while in nascar, football, and baseball, aka the lazy ass sports. In nascar you drive in a fucking car five hundred times, whew so tiring, in foot ball you run for thirty seconds and than take a break, and baseball u sit in the field waiting for the goddamn ball to get to you. you should call football throwball or the wimpy rugby league, the rugby players wear no padding but the "tough" football players wear a shitload of padding

j:did u kno soccer is the most popular sport in the world
k:how? its such a pussy sport
j:in football, you dont run 90 goddamn minutes straight
k:wow, i guess it isn't that much of a pussy sport

by playa227 March 23, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport that is mostly played by duchebags around the world. They are commanly assotiated with homosexuals. They often get mad when there sport is made fun of and call people whoever hates the sport lazy and fat, when really they are the real vaginas. A typical soccer fight involves slapping and kicking like little bitches.

Hey want to go play soccer john? No timmy that sport is fucking gay.

by secret324234 August 7, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


what american football should be called.

It makes no sense for soccer to be called soccer when it is called football everywhere else, and it doesn't make sense to call football "football" when the ball and the foot hardly ever make contact!! So, they should just switch the names so everything would make more sense

Italian foreign exchange student: Hello, my name is Luigi and I like to play football.
American student: Umm... you look a little skinny to play football. Do you mean soccer?
Italian: What is soccer?
American: -_-

by you got em lost for words August 19, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very intense sport that involves a lot of skill. people often diss soccer only because they wish that they could play it as good as others. once you play soccer on a team, there is usually no stopping you. i have been playing for 8 years, and i rock at it. it takes a ton of practice outside of the team practices and games, like dribbling it down the street without looking down, and jugging it on your knees for ten minutes straight. after you have accomplished this, then tell me that soccer requires no skill. during a game, you have to dribble down a field between atleast 4 people trying to get at that moment your most prized possesion, keep the ball out of the 18-yard line and shoot pass a goalie without kicking the ball over or beside the net, which means perfect aim. DONT DISS SOCCER

Jill: Wow, she has been playing for 8 years, look at her go!
Jack: yea i know, playing soccer for that long must mean that she has really strong thighs.
Jill: yea, i wish i started when i was 6!

by SoccerfreakLindsay May 14, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sport in which its diehard fans are completely self-righteous and dilusional. With that aside, soccer is an excellent sport that requires extreme stamina and coordination. Soccer (as with any other sport due to differing skill sets) should not be considered a superior or inferior form of sport.

Soccer fans in the USA front aggrogance about soccer to hide their envy of the NFL's popularity.

by Judas & Frankie Lee December 24, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž