Usually in reference to extremely obese women who have to go everywhere on mobility scooters
person 1: hey look over there at that fat lady
person 2: oh jeez bud thats Two Ton Tanya right there!
the worlds bestes friend you could have, they are like siri. They give you advice and loves when her friends are happy, she also loves love.zodiac signs that aquariuses like are: tauras, scorpio,sagitarius and aquarius
faith: Im thinking of a name for my kid, what about tanya arsenault
Hope: thats a awesome name now we know how good of a friend your kid is gonna be
A band, typically very poppy in nature, that just makes a person want to dance. Typically guys won't admit they like this band, but most people can't turn it off. However Girls, especially Girls named Tanya, love them and occasionally make interpretive dance videos for them that can be found on the interwebz. lol.
'Normally I'm not into Tanya-bands, but that chick from Hey Monday is pretty friggin cute'.
Very cute and hot person ;). Extremely supportive and extremely short too-
Im very grateful i have Tanya as my gf :>
A name used by vampires to seduce men into having sex with them.
They fuck on average 1-3 men every week and will fuck your dad and your mother (usually your dad)
Yo, my brudda, be safe yh x
Ok my g, buy say no more yeh dis ones piffy still!
BRUV! Das a tanya , yeh. Swerve back and dip on da ting u get me?
Ay ok, Johnny on da case.
Short girl with Attitude
That girl over there is a right Tanya
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