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To lose your public-sector job or benefits as a result of tea party politicians.

After the Tea Party politicians swept into office, Mary and many of her colleagues were immediately teabagged.

by coffee21 February 21, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being duped into joining a manufactured "grassroots" anti-tax political movement by the ruling elite and/or media.

Fox News teabagged three thousand people into protesting in downtown Chicago on April 15th.

by Walter Krunk-height April 16, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any Progressive or democrat/communist getting a sack in their mouth by a Teabagger.

That FUP face just got teabagged. She/He took it layin down. She/He just got a mouth full of that hairy sack. She/He probably loved it. Looks like that commie is a pro at being bagged. That Progressive, democrat/communist deserved the full cup of that sack. Looked like She/He was gurgling a little bit.

by supergbp March 26, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ok, so teabagging is an activity
carried out by two consenting adults... one of which needs to be a man.
The other... nyah,,, could be a man or a woman. So, one persons mouth is
the cup and the man's ...er ... 'bits'...(i.e. nuts) are the teabag. Then
you dunk the teabag into the cup to brew it. Nice.

Mike: So Jon, how do you like your cuppa, teabag in or out?
Jon: Leave it in, Mike, there's a good sailor.

by sue February 15, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


To crouch up and down multiple times after killing someone in halo

this dude is teabagging me!



way of describing a cigarette on the sly

will we head for a teabag like?

by shmoke69 May 30, 2011


(verb) To show superiority over another after a kill in a video game, by repeatedly shoving one's ass into the dead player's corpse. A wildly known method of taunting in FPS games such as Halo, Destiny, Call of Duty, among others.

Bro, what the fuck, I keep getting annihilated by this teabagging asshole.

Get fucked son! Gonna teabag you so hard...

This shit's using cheap weapons, we gotta teabag his ass with every kill.

by Johnny motherfucking Gat May 3, 2016