EaA means "Eat my ass" this infers that you dont care about what( the person you talking to) they do and what they are saying or if there are chatting shit then say EmA however saying the full word is more effective because of the impact and surprised the person will be after you have said that. making them traumatised. saying it in a American accent can be helpful , saying that you are saying it in a funny and that its not gay. Only UK school students will understand
"Yo conner. EAT MY ASS bro". Meaning i just dont care EmA
Ema likes to look at herself and horse ass. She secretly likes To watch horses eat their small intestine but doesn’t want to admit it. She likes to talk shit about lesbian people and plays a lot of bit life. She tries to be like her sister and pleasure the English teacher by reading books and studying for tests.
Lesbian friend: Why is ema saying that i like cat
Ema like to look at herself and horse ass. She secretly likes Alberto but doesn’t want to admit it. She likes to talk shit about lesbian people and plays a lot of bit life.
Lesbian friend: Why is ema saying that i like cat