Popular in the Southern Maryland region; an event, or get together usually defined by binge drinking while eating a large quantity of chips & dip in place of a proper meal. Typically this would include Utz crab chips, Carolina BBQ chips, ranch dip etc.
smib 1: "damn...*crunch *crunch...this is a chip feast man"
smib 2: *wipes hands on shorts "i know right"
A feast that lasts the whole weekend, beginning on Friday at 5pm and ending on Sunday at 9pm. It consists of fast food, coffee, brunch, and a nice dinner. After Beesh Feast, the participants enter an era of mourning- often lasting about 24 hours.
“I am so excited for Beesh Feast with you this weekend”
“I think we should get Taco Bell to kick off Beesh Feast!”
When one spends an absurd amount of time on the internet's
What are you doing, buzz-feasting?
The act of performing oral sex on a woman suffering from thrush
You could have told me beforehand. I've just had a right yeast feast down there!
When you feverishly eat a girl's vagina while she drives. It is a lot like roadhead, but less fun for all parties involved.
"I gave her a crossroad feast to satisfy her appetite for tongue."
"If we are going to have a crossroad feast don't drip on the seat."
"That crossroad feast turned out to be a potluck."
The act of ruthlessly beating the shit out of a woman and then eating her out
Whats up Jackie? Where you been?
Sorry I'm late, I was beasting and feasting with this girl.