The most a person could EVER, and I mean EVER, love someone. It beats every other word. (Can only be used by Jeff.)
I love Lymari Rodriguez mostest!!!
"Mostest" a term for proving to your boyfriend that you love him more than he does you. This a trump card in any "I love you more" arguments. Therefore, you always win.
Cerri: I love you
Ryder: I love you more
Cerri: I love you MOSTEST
Cerri: I win hah
Ryder: Damn, you got me, you win
To win a fight with another about love.
Mom/dad-i love you
Me-I love you more
Mom/dad-i love you most
Me-I love mostest
Ex. When arguing with your boyfriend about who lives each other more just say “well I live you the mostest” they have nothing to comeback with (you’re welcome)
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Mostest is when you love your man more then most
Your man : “Hey baby I love you most”
You : “no baby I love you mostest”