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The most a person could EVER, and I mean EVER, love someone. It beats every other word. (Can only be used by Jeff.)

I love Lymari Rodriguez mostest!!!

by Jmichael7 August 6, 2018


More than most.

Charly loves Lois mostest

by BooperDooper420 January 20, 2016


the highest level of something

Rachel loves Joey the mostest

by rookie11 March 31, 2020


"Mostest" a term for proving to your boyfriend that you love him more than he does you. This a trump card in any "I love you more" arguments. Therefore, you always win.

Cerri: I love you
Ryder: I love you more
Cerri: I love you MOSTEST
Cerri: I win hah
Ryder: Damn, you got me, you win

by 세리_아미_1403 March 3, 2020


To win a fight with another about love.

Mom/dad-i love you
Me-I love you more
Mom/dad-i love you most

Me-I love mostest

by Ohh.sav August 29, 2020


More than most

Ex. When arguing with your boyfriend about who lives each other more just say “well I live you the mostest” they have nothing to comeback with (you’re welcome)

by Lovetay September 15, 2019

1👍 1👎


Mostest is when you love your man more then most

Your man : “Hey baby I love you most
You : “no baby I love you mostest

by A’s WIFEYYYYYY 🥰 July 7, 2023