Source Code


UwU means very cool

Boy 1- Are you UwU?
Girl 1- Yes I am baby

by your.daily.kny.translated August 11, 2023


UwU means rail me.

Person A: UwU
Person B: UwU
Person A (who knows what it means): Who will pay for the strap on??
Person B: I thought it was a emoticon?
Person A: you thought the fuck wrong
Person B: what it means then?
Person A: rail me
Person B: ofc bbg
Person A: nvm ur done

by That_Trans_Guy_Denki May 12, 2022


an emoji-like term that is made of letters, but never use it unless u want to be yelled at and kicked from a gc

You;"Wow that was very mean, UwU"
Every person in a gc;"Ok buddy, ur done, might as well call the ambulance now"

by ur boi obama November 26, 2022


There is two meaning of this.

1. You are happy.

2. You want to be railed.

Like if some was to text me and say nice drawing I would put UwU to show them I'm happy and I'm happy they like my drawing but let say if someone was to text me and say are you horny I would put UwU to show them I am now and I want to be railed. But I don't actually want to be railed I'm just saying the meaning

by Willow_lesbian_i already have May 18, 2021


If you’re Will, it means something along the lines of recognizing when something is funky fresh.

Oooooooo uWu look at you qué funky.

by ohheelyeah August 5, 2019


You like anime and have no friends

UwU Daddy Chill

by SwxftonGfuel January 18, 2021


Unhappy without u”

You’re so cute uwu

by Isip;) September 10, 2019