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tokin' token

When a group decides to pitch in on a bowl of marijuana with their respective stashes, their individual nugs are tokin' tokens. At least one token is usually required to participate in the smoking of said bowl, unless you're at my house... then don't worry about that shit.

"Everyone insert their tokin' tokens into the bowl? Time to get high, bitch."

by king_bloint420 August 27, 2009

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Love Tokens

A love token is a smiley face :) , you recieve from a girl you have been hitting on via text message/internet etc.

John: "Hey have you been texting Kassie?"

Fred: "Have I ever, she's been giving me love tokens."

John: "Nice."

by Sirpimpalottlahoe September 23, 2008

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token queen

Late 70's/80's expression in gay culture referring to someone so cheap and lowly he will accept a token on the subway to get home. This similar to drink whore or dinner whore but much worse.

Out of use because of metro cards.

Forget about John, he is just a sleazy token queen.

by Robert A. Rodriguez November 22, 2006

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token dude

A guy who has a girls attention for a long time, feelings toward him always overpower any other crush, even when the girl is aware of him being unavailable or not interested.

Lucy, you have a boyfriend, why are you still thinking about Alex?!?
I just cant help it, he is my token dude..

by bestpussyever July 5, 2018

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token penis

The one male in a group of females. Usually the male has to do tasks the females don't wish to or are unable to do.

Tom was the token penis at our card game and had to get on the ladder to change the lightbulb.

by arktikwife April 6, 2011

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token dude

the one guy that a girl will always go back to, no matter how much he fucks her around. usually some scummy white boy who thinks his penis is god’s greatest gift

friend one: you need to stop having sex with brian! he’s a fuckboy!
me: i can’t, he’s my token dude! i don’t know what it is but something about him makes me always want more!

by haaaannnnaaaaa November 15, 2018

Malus Token

A term or bonus in a video game or for activities involving hidden or concealed prizes. Additionally, rewards or prizes on a streaming or influencer website. This type of social networking site: Club Malus. Which is a lifestyle society, music, and dating application? Members are rewarded with NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) or cryptocurrency for their participation in The Club Malus following initiation.

The secret prize is either the Golden Apple or the Malus Token; if you summon with the effect of "The Golden Apples," you can gain extraordinary abilities.

by Malus December 5, 2022