I didn't say this two days ago. The guy with 128 PhDs isn't making a reference to the thing I said in front of the only person who knows about my "monk with rosary beads". I'm clearly a paranoid schizophrenic. That's what's happening here. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and the thing that is happening isn't happening. I just think it's happening.
Hym "Yes, I'm clearly a paranoid Schizophrenic. Just a uniquely charming paranoid schizophrenic Nianfo Buddhist monk with rosary beads.... Yep... That's what's happening..."
A reply to someone who says something particularly cringe.
"We should write rage comics about us!" - "Unique rizz."
A combination of unique and equal; unique in an equal way.
Janice has green hair. Meredith has pink hair. The hair colour each of them chose is uniqual to the other
Refers to the shape of a testacle.
The UNIQUE SHAPE of the violin
Being the only gay person around
Kendall was the only uniqueer in a straight bar
Another term for "white girl wasted"
Crunk drunk from a gold four loko with a straw. Black out drunk, slutty dancing, usually making out with 8 different guys in the same night, trying to fight everyone, and flashing tits.
We're about to get unique wasted tonight