A loser that plays Valorant all day, every single day. They don't know the concept of touching grass or walking outside to look at the sun.
Person 1: Aye do you still play that ass game Valorant?
Person 2: Yeah, it's fun as
Person 1: Nah you're just a Valorant Virgin
White spazzy Virgin kid, allergic to grass, Irrelevancy beyond the sound barrier and has a microscopic PP so he is Rejected by his family. Mostly Known as a non loved lazy fuck to society.
Damm Algraal is such a valorant kid. L Bozo
When you get rungunned through the walls across the map by a Sherrif while he's sprinting at 40 miles/hour.
Can also be used when you're bullets are going to Kinshasa.
That reyna just valoranted 3 people on B site, fuckin' children game!
These punks at riot games architecture don't know what they're doin!
whenever chloe plays valorant, she always stays with either the classic gun or ghost and light shields. surprisingly, someitmes she would get so many kills. but there are times where she gets no kills in one match. no matter how many times we have told chloe to stop being cheap, she keeps on being cheap. but i mean, if it works for her, then it works for her.
chloe (in valorant)
chloe : *buys only classic/sherrif and light shield*
A lie used by people that are addicted to the video game Valorant.
Person 1: "We're just gonna play one game of Valorant, OK?"
Person 2: "The last time you said that, we played for 5 hours."
Code language of telling your boys that you are actually masturbating.
Yeah, sorry I didn't reply. I was in the middle in a game of Valorant.
Lets say u own a dog. the dog has an intellectual mind. he saw u play valorant with an underage woman. he beat the shit out of you because ur a FUCKING degenerate 50 YEAR OLD WHO Straight UP USES VOICEMOD TO PRETEND INTO BEING A DEEPVOICE FUCKFACE TO JUST BE A WASTE OF SPACE. man just get a fucking job
Valorant E-Daters are fucking degenerates
Valorant E-Daters Are Wanna Be DeepVoice FuckFace idiots