Source Code

Captain's Motto-Italian Version

"Jump into a lifeboat"

The Italian version of the Captain's Motto (to "go down with the ship").

In reference to the captain of the overturned Costa Concordia cruise ship of January 14th, 2012.

The captain, Francesco Schettino, alleges that he tripped, and fell into a lifeboat, immediately after the crash.

Hey Nathan, I heard you crashed your sailboat. Were you afraid that you might drown?

"Heck no. I abide by the Captain's Motto-Italian Version ... I jumped right into a lifeboat and drank a glass of champagne while I watched it sink."

by mike87111 January 22, 2012

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Junseo Yu (Korean version)

A very smart person who is struggling in his life but will slowly get smarter until he has a very high IQ. He is fated to fix climate change and will develop a cure for more than 50 cancers and viruses with one single equation. He will be very rich and incredibly handsome whose sibling won't have that future and will go to jail until his brother the very respected genius/scientist breaks him out. He is very handsome, rich, smart, and has an IQ of 320.

"Wow, Albert Einstien was a Junseo Yu (Korean version)"
"Wow, you got a 100 on a test what a Junseo Yu (Korean version)"

by VerySmartGenius November 17, 2022

feminism sexist guy version

Feminism is a social movement where woman with blue hair and a fair amount of piercings that are poorly done fight for the mass genocide of all men while those same women fetishize gay men.

Of course feminism discriminates men since NOT ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT

Jason: feminism sexist guy version is just made up
Mark:yeah lets go harass women and get mad when they call us creeps

by by:Shema Deutsch's worshipper February 28, 2021

Punk ( urban slang version )

1. Slang for homosexual

1. Watch that ass, they got a punk behind you.

by FLiP November 6, 2004

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Splinter Cell:Double Agent PC version

A half-assed Splinter Cell game that has more bugs in it than a decomposing rat has maggots.

I wasted $40 on Splinter Cell:Double Agent PC version

by VulcanMak June 22, 2007

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Strawberry Clock Version 2

The second coming of Strawberry Clock, the King of the Newgrounds.com portals. Hails the original Strawberry Clock (Version 1) all the time.

If the original Strawberry Clock is God, Strawberry Clock V2 is Jesus.

by Daniel Green August 6, 2003

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software version age dating

revealing your age by referring to the old software you used to use

I though he was like 25 but then he told me that he used to use Illustrator 88 ... so using software version age dating he must be at least 40.

by pixelfairy July 30, 2008

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