Source Code

West Windsor - Plainsboro High School North

Terrible High School situated in West Windsor where students are pansies and need help walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Nothing Beats the Original---South

by Sunshine G. July 18, 2004

264👍 238👎

West Windsor - Plainsboro High School North

the best school ever created. Better than wwphs SOUTH because we have walls. and more than one mirror in each bathroom. and working computers. oh. and we have kick ass sports teams.

Yo I wish I went to west windsor - plainsboro high school north instead of south.

by Chelsea April 26, 2004

257👍 262👎

West Windsor Plainsboro High School South

This is the best school ever. They have higher SAT scores than WW-P HS North. They have an awesome fencing team. The head coach is amazing.

West Windsor Plainsboro High School South is the best school ever.

by Creativeminds3456 February 8, 2012

26👍 59👎

West Windsor High School South

fuck ton of indian people. hard as shit school and hella drugs but shits fun besides these indian peopel

faggot west windsor high school south

by skinny nigba laundry basket November 3, 2019


This school is filled with people who try to act black but they aren’t.Its full of drama with people who think they’re cool because they date older people.Its filled with ho’s who will be pregnant by 10th grade

Kay kay-stop acting like a East Windsor high school

Harry-I’m not

by Bigcheeks December 10, 2017

Windsor Academy


Windsor Academy is trash at football.

by Jason Aldean. October 24, 2023

Lake Windsor Downs

The neighborhood Paul fisher moved to in tangerine county Florida. Book: Tangerine

Paul fisher moved from Texas to Florida and into Lake Windsor Downs.

by HogwartsGraduate#1 October 22, 2020