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a place of peaceful establishment to describe a way of feeling meditation

"aye dawg you ain't been ova here in a min"
" dawg don't even worry about me I'm just chilling at the woe"

by Norman wright November 12, 2020


a place of peaceful establishment to describe a way of feeling meditation.

"hey where you been at we been drinking back to back"
"I ain't been no where but the woe"

by Norman wright November 12, 2020


another word for bruh

stop playin wimme woe

by piero1k January 10, 2022



im a woe

by cool90904490090909090990 September 2, 2022


a girl you call of duty level rage over because you loved her. SHE WAS MY EVERYTHING!

I WAS GON MARRY HER! she was my world, my wonder, my woe.

by call tyroooooone February 12, 2020


WOE: Popularized by Toronto Rap Musician Drake. "Working On Excellence", a slang term of endearment for close friends who share an ambitious work ethic and high life goals/ aspirations.

I was rolling in the 6 (Toronto) with my "W.O.E.s " .
To all my WOEs working hard and putting in those extra hours, keep grinding on twoards your goals.

by RapRox February 28, 2021



you are a woe ajskfl;dasfdl;kjasfl;kjdsfadlkj;fdsalkj;jsalfkdjlsafkdjklf;dasljfsadkkljfa;ds

by weewewewewewewewewewewewee woe February 22, 2024