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A specified area or region that does not currently occupy a gold fish unfortunately a lot of places are ignorantly unoccupied of the blissfulness of a gold fish a major oversight on the part of creation and has been piling complaints since the development of intelligent life

“Uugh this room is completely worthless in the absence of it’s precious gold fish

by Just a guy on a mission August 13, 2024


Joshua Hays
Example: someone who doesn't know their head from a hole in the ground much less their own gender identity. Refuses to move closer to his son and thinks its okay and perfectly legal to keep a school aged child out of school.

"That guy is such a piece of crap! He cares not, about his child! Totally Joshua Hays (worthless).

by notyomommaaaa September 14, 2021


You 🫵 and me

You "I am worthless"

Someone else "True"

by @beluga May 16, 2024


My mother

My mother is a worthless pos

by Desrose October 20, 2023