Source Code

rubber wrecker

too large to fit regular condoms

Whats up?
My boyfriend is such a rubber wrecker. We went thoguh a whole box of condoms and I finally got out the hefty bags. That did the trick.

by Clare..and of course..eric too. May 13, 2004

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Chicken wrecker

one who sexual molest Chickens.

the way Speedy drives that car he has got to be a Chicken Wrecker

by mrbuff754 January 18, 2011

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An awesome person at UT who occasionally accidentally home-wrecks at frat parties. Usually named Katie or Jordan. Usually, Katie and Jordan and roommates together, more home-wrecking power to them.

Girl: What happened last night?
Jordan: Oh, I home-wrecked, like the home-wrecker I am, the usual. Why are frat boys so stupid?
Girl: I don't know. Never date them.

by AudreyHomeSlice January 27, 2012

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Chump Wrecker

when a friend puts a damper on the mood of the party or social outing. The chump is wrecking the good times.

"Man, Ted's being a chump wrecker and won't come out with us tonight- again."

by EmilyJ February 17, 2006

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rectum wrecker

big rich is a rectum wrecker

by nunya September 4, 2003

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Tek Wrecker

Person/Person's high on crystal meth who's constant fig-it-ing results in the destruction of every day objects.

The Tek Wrecker has a house full of broken and dismantled electronics due to there constant tek wrecking of thing's.

by clubdead March 21, 2011

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Frat Wrecker

A girl who hooks up with multiple members of a fraternity, often destroying brotherhood and causing general violence and distress within the fraternity

God Erin is such a Frat Wrecker, she hooked up with an active and a pledge and now its war.

by burning_bebop August 22, 2008

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